Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Upcoming 2012 Senior Fashion Shoots

Hello everyone! I don’t know about you, but I still can’t believe that 2010 is done and over with. Do the years go by quicker the older you get? I know I’m only 22, but I’m beginning to think that may be the case. Anyway, I’m ecstatic that next week marks one year that I’ve been working here at the studio. So naturally, with the passing of one year and the arrival of another; I’ve made some new resolutions for 2011. Something I would really like to focus on here at work is keeping everyone updated on what’s going on around the studio, so I figured the blog would be a great start. We recently came up with an awesome idea for upcoming 2012 seniors. Let me give you a little insight on how that came into fruition.

Everyone working at Heath Photography is fortunate enough to be a member of the Professional Photographers of America (PPA). As far as I’m concerned, there are a lot of perks that come with being associated with this organization. Penny, Wendy and I recently attended a seminar where we were able to hear Lindsay Adler speak. Lindsay is a fresh new fashion photographer, and her work is amazing! I found the entire experience to be truly inspirational. I could babble on and on about how exciting the meeting was, but I’m sure that will bore half of you, so I’ll cut to the chase. As soon as the three of us got into the car, we started throwing ideas back and forth like hot potatoes. (Okay, that was lame, but I tried! haha) We all agreed that our high-school seniors would love the idea of a more fashion-forward photo shoot. Penny decided she was going to call her friend Amanda Burrows from Cutting Edge, who is a professional hair and makeup artist, to see if she was interested in working with us on our first shoot. At this point I’m thinking, who wouldn’t want this experience?? I wish I could have done that when I was a senior!! Next, we grabbed a few fashion magazines and just started tearing out different ads for inspiration. By the time we figured out what direction we were headed with hair and makeup, it was time to choose a senior. This was one of the hardest parts, considering that we had so many gorgeous girls who came in last year! We decided on a senior from Ogdensburg named Charrette, because she had the look we were going for. Not to mention she was the perfect model when she came in for her senior portraits!

Penny invited her friend Sam, who’s an aspiring photographer, to do some of the behind-the-scenes work. A-Ron, a new employee here at the studio, was the videographer for the night. *Kudos to him for making the video in this post!* Needless to say, everyone was right in his or her element. The rest was history…besides my ridiculous dance moves A-Ron just happened to catch on tape (thanks Ke$ha).

Since the first shoot was such a success, we’re doing another one next week. This time we’ll be bringing in a good-looking guy, who will be revealed later this week! This time around will really be a riot, because we’re opening it to the public. If you’re an upcoming photographer, model, or senior, or you just want to come have a good time, feel free to join us! The shoot will be held here at the studio in Redwood (there is a map on our website) on Wed., Jan. 26th after 5pm. If anything, you should come and check out my sweet dance moves. :)



Unknown said...

Penny and Erin!!!!! You are awesome!!!! Anyone would be crazy not to want to do this....I am so proud of you!! I wish I could be there to help...miss you all! You Rock!

erin said...

Thanks Jody, we miss you soo much!! I hope all is going well with you:) Wish you could be here too!